CSR and sustainable business, upplaga 2

Tommy Borglund, Hans De Geer, Magnus Frostenson, Lin Lerpold, Sara Nordbrand, Emma Sjöström, Susanne Sweet, Karolina Windell, Maria Grafström
Företagsekonomi, Samhällskunskap
Häftad, Upplaga 2, 366 sidor

513 kr

(Exkl. moms)


CSR AND SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS introduces many perspectives on corporate social responsibility and sustainable business, as well as how the different perspectives are connected. The discussion is based on real examples and cases. The development within CSR has been moving quickly, both in politics and in business. Phenomena, like social entrepreneurism, sustainable business strategies and new financial models relating to sustainability, have grown stronger. This book gives an overview of the most important concepts and theories, as well as offering a depth of historical perspectives and connections to business ethics. Theoretical aspects are combined with examples from a large number of companies and organizations. The text is divided into three parts. The first part provides an overview of the topic, its history and growth. The second part covers practices at companies and business operations. In the third part, the focus is on control and strategies for responsible, sustainable business. This first edition in English features some of the most influential experts in the field. The original Swedish edition published in 2012 has been used extensively in leading universities and management training courses in both Sweden and Finland for years.

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Tommy Borglund got his doctorate in business ethics at the StockholmSchool of Economics and is an Adjunct Senior Lecturer in the sustainabilityfield at Örebro University. He founded one of the first consultancygroups in Sweden within the CSR field, at the consultancy firmHallvarsson & Halvarsson, and has over the years been an advisor tomany large Swedish companies. Tommy has a background as a financialjournalist, including as a manager at Ekonomiekot, Sveriges Radio anda managing editor at Finanstidningen. Tommy is chairman in the SocialVenture Network Sweden, and a member of the Healthcare Professionals'Ethics Council and the Financial Analysts' CR group.

Professor Hans De Geer is a historian and business ethicist. He has beenactive at Stockholm University and the Stockholm School of Economicsin Stockholm and in Riga. He is a Senior Advisor at the consultancy firmHallvarsson & Halvarsson with a focus on CSR matters, business ethicsand fighting corruption. He is also a Senior Advisor at the Centre forBusiness History. His most recent book is called Vin & Sprit: Från politiktill marknad [Wine and Spirits: From Politics to the Market] (FörlagetNäringslivshistoria, 2017).

Magnus Frostenson is an Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer inbusiness administration at the Örebro University School of Business. Hegot his doctorate in 2006 at the Stockholm School of Economics witha thesis on ethics and culture in internationalised Swedish companies.Magnus has since published books, research articles, reports and writtenchapters in various books, mainly in the field of business ethics. He hasa particular interest in sustainability reporting and matters relating to thesteering of ethics in organizations.

Lin Lerpold is an Associate Professor at the Stockholm School ofEconomics and Executive Director of the Mistra Center for SustainableMarkets (Misum). She was formerly the Associate Dean for the SSEMBA and has previously been a Visiting Fellow at the London School ofEconomics, as well as Visiting Professor at INSEAD in Fontainebleau.Lin’s research is focused on business and poverty alleviation and on humanrights in global supply chains. She teaches CSR and sustainability atgraduate and executive education levels and is an active figure in publicdiscourse on business and sustainability. In both 2016 and 2017, Lin wasranked as one of the most influential Sustainability experts in Swedenby Aktuell Hållbarhet and in 2017 she was on the list of Sweden’s mostinfluential business women in the category of social change makers byVeckans Affärer.

Sara Nordbrand has been working with sustainability issues since 2003.Between 2003 and 2009, she studied the CSR and sustainability effortsin various sectors as an investigator in the organization Swedwatch. In2010, she participated in a research project on human rights in globalsupply chains within the Sustainability Research Group (SuRE) at theStockholm School of Economics. Between 2011 and 2015 she workedwith sustainable investments at the financial department of the Churchof Sweden. She is the sustainability manager for the Church of Swedenand in charge of the organization’s dialogues with the private sector.

Emma Sjöström is a Research Fellow at the Stockholm School ofEconomics. She is heading the Sustainable Finance research platform atMisum. She got her doctorate in 2009 in the field responsible and sustainableinvestments. Emma is particularly interested in understandingwhat impact investors can have on companies, directly or indirectly, throughtheir commitment to sustainability. She has also been a visiting researcherat the University of Hong Kong. For a number of years, she hasbeen operating the knowledge agency Nuwa, which provides expertise insustainable investments to capital owners and capital investors, amongothers. In 2014, she published the course book Hållbara Investeringar[Sustainable Investments] (Sanoma Förlag).

Susanne Sweet is an Associate Professor at the Stockholm School ofEconomics. Susanne does research and teaches in the field of environmentaland social sustainable business. She is a research head at MistraCenter for Sustainable Markets, Misum, which was established in 2015at the Stockholm School of Economics, where she manages the researchplatform sustainable production and consumption. Prior to this, in 2003,she founded the research group SuRe, Sustainability Research Group,which won the 2007 Globe Award for best CSR research, and has sincemerged with Misum. She is also the research leader in a large interdisciplinaryresearch programme called Mistra Future Fashion, with the aimof using research to support a sustainable shift of the fashion industry toa circular economy.

Karolina Windell is an Associate Professor in business economics atScore, Stockholm University and the Stockholm School of Economics. She has many years’ experience from research into sustainable businessand CSR. Her research has come to focus on the medialization of the privatesector and the media’s role in driving and shaping demands forresponsibility in companies. Karolina has published books and articlesin international journals on the topic.


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